Headshot of actor Claire Duckmanton. Claire is a white woman with red hair in a low ponytail. She is wearing pink lipstick and smiling broadly at the camera. She is wearing a black top.

Joanna Higson Photography

Claire Duckmanton

Claire is a Lancaster based actor. She found out she had a talent while doing drama classes at the Dukes Theatre in Lancaster, before going to study drama at college, followed by a degree in drama and graduating from University in 2010. Since graduating Claire has performed in plays at the Dukes Theatre, including two Site Specific performances in the famous Williamson Park. She has been a member of a small acting school in Preston Lancashire, where she has learnt skills in camara work and auditions skills, as well as performing in plays at the end of each term.

She has a real passion for acting and wants to start climbing the ladder of success and achieve her goals. So much so, that she is about to start an eight-week course in TV and Film acting.