Headshot of actor Kim To. Kim is a young British Vietnamese woman with straight black hair in a short bob with a side fringe. She has dark eyes and is wearing eyeliner. She is dressed red jumper, looking directly at the camera, with a serious express

Photography - Alicia Bridge, Maboo studio & June Watsamon

Kim To

Kim To is a British Vietnamese neurodivergent who has ADHD, autism and dyslexia. Her passion for acting stems from her experience using acting as a way to process difficult emotions. She trained for a year at the Identity school of acting and after spending time working as a picture double on a feature film, Kim realised that she enjoyed the process of understanding a character and telling their truth. 

She is passionate about increasing the representation of east Asians in the film and entertainment industry. Kim advocates for women with ADHD as she is also a practising ADHD coach. She also does public speaking on topics around neurodiversity in the workplace. Her hobbies include pole fitness and yoga. Kim is competing at Miss International 2023 this June.