Headshot of actor Samara Richards. Samara is a young, black woman. She has short, black, braided hair and brown eyes. She is wearing a grey, roundneck vest top and is looking directly at the camera with a smile.

Photography: Remy Hunter

Samara Richards

Samara was born and raised in London with a Caribbean background. She found her love for acting through singing when she attended a mandatory assembly choir at primary school and a teacher complimented her voice. After that, Samara did a few school plays and auditioned for the musical 'Hairspray: The school musical', which played at the Lyric Theatre in London and aired on Sky1.

Her passion for acting has since grown. For Samara, acting is a great way to have freedom of expression and become whoever you want to be at any given moment, as well as entertain and inspire others. She became an actress because she feels that she can be a voice for other Neurodiverse people out there and step outside of the box to portray characters that don't already exist in mainstream media. As well as acting, she's also interested in music, dance, art, spirituality, self-development and ethical living.